Saturday, June 14, 2014

#BizHeroes with Ekaterina Walter: How to Market Your Business with Visual Storytelling

Khalil Gibran once said that "next to hunger and thirst, our most basic human need is for storytelling".

But in today's world where your consumers are faced with more content than ever before, how do you break through messaging noise to reach your audience and tell your story?

Through visual storytelling!

This week on #BizHeroes Chat Social Media trailblazer, co-founder and CMO of BRANDERATI and WSJ best selling author Ekaterina Walter joins us to talk about how you can effectively leverage videos, image and social media to market your business.

Ekaterina will share her research, strategy, tips, tactics and jaw-dropping stats from her new book The Power of Visual Storytelling.  (You definitely want a copy of this book on your shelf. It's golden!)

BizHero: Ekaterina Walter
Date: Tuesday, April 1st
Time: 8PM Central European Time, 11am PST, 2pm EST

Update: 14 million impression! View the chat transcript here!

Topic questions:

Q1. What is visual storytelling?
Q2. How does visual content strengthen a brand or help grow a business?
Q3. What are the essential elements of visual storytelling?
Q4. How can marketers (with any sized budget) get started?
Q5. Where do I need to be? Which platform and what type of content.
Q6. Ekaterina success tips: what’s your advice on getting started

Join us Tuesday for a knock-out power chat with

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