Friday, October 17, 2014

iCloud Is Down For Some

It seems Apple’s iCloud woes are not over. The service is down for some users including myself. It’s unreachable from and files and emails are failing to sync. Apple’s System Status page reports iCloud and the rest of Apple’s online service as operating normally when iCloud is very clearly not accessible for some.

This comes weeks after hackers accessed celebrity iCloud accounts, pilfering personal files and photos.

Earlier today more bad iCloud news piled on Apple. Some users discovered that when the “Reset all settings” option was selected in iOS 8, all the iWork documents stored in iCloud vanished despite the option explicitly stating that “no data or media will be deleted.” When MacRumors confirmed this claim, they discovered that using the bug also removed files on all Apple devices connected to the iCloud account.

As for now, while iCloud is down for some, hopefully no one loses their iPhone or needs to access their documents.


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