Monday, October 13, 2014

A Song To Make The iOS 8.0.1 Team Feel Better About Breaking Everyone’s iPhones

The iOS team probably isn’t having the best day today. Within minutes of the iOS 8.0.1 update going live, reports started pouring in that it was causing all sorts of issues. Within hours, it was pulled.

Don’t worry, iOS team! There’s already a song meant to cheer you up (or, you know, make you feel insignificant relative to the crushing magnitude of the universe. Whatever works! )

Recognize the singer? Long time TC readers almost certainly will. It’s Jonathan Mann, the guy who writes a song a day and regularly finds himself in our posts. We poked fun at one of his jingles back in 2009, and he almost immediately fired back with a track about the post’s author, MG Siegler. Remember the “If you don’t want an iPhone 4… don’t buy it.” tune Steve Jobs played at the “Antennagate” press conference back in 2010? That was him, too.

And for all of those suffering from an absence of cell service after updating to 8.0.1: don’t panic — it’s a pretty easy fix.

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