Monday, October 20, 2014

For Those About To Rock The Jamstik, We Salute You

I love stringed MIDI instruments. After messing with the gTar two years ago I’ve been looking for the perfect portable MIDI device that allows me to meld my inability to play keyboards with my sub-par guitar skills. Perhaps I’ve finally found my perfect match.

We first met the Jamstik last year and I’ve been waiting to get my hands on a unit since. The team is finally shipping and they sent me a very early model. While I find that the Jamstik suffers from many of the same problems any MIDI guitar would have – namely a tendency to drop notes and reward good form over sloppy fretting – for an experienced player on the road it could be a real and useful tool.

I preface all of my guitar posts with the caveat that I am not a very good player and that I exhibit far more gusto than skill. Therefore my tests are limited in scope and I suspect a real guitarist would have a far better time with this ukulele-sized instrument. With that said, let’s move on.

The Jamstik is essentially a stringed instrument that picks up the image of your fingertips on the fretboard. A special cam system allows you to bend notes (with difficulty) and there is even a method to add vibrato. The device connects via Wi-Fi to compatible iOS apps and can plug directly into your computer via USB to recharge the internal battery and connect to MIDI apps. It costs $299 and is shipping now.

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