Sunday, August 3, 2014

Looks Like HTC Is Building A Windows Phone Version Of Their Best Android Phone


Word around the ol’ rumor mill was that HTC was working on a version of their flagship HTC One (M8) that ran Windows Phone instead of Android.

Sure enough, an image hidden away on Verizon’s servers (as spotted by PCMag) seems to confirm it. Thats certainly the face of the HTC One, and that’s most certainly Windows Phone. The name of the image itself is even “HTC_M8_Windows”.

No word yet on when the device would actually ship, though our brothers-from-another-mother-though-maybe-its-really-the-same-mother-because-we’re-all-a-part-of-AOL over at Engadget had previously heard that VZW was aiming for September at the latest.

HTC has a press event scheduled for August 19th. Hopefully this wasn’t the (sole) focus of that event.

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