Friday, August 29, 2014

3D-Printed ‘Bump Key’ Can Open Almost Any Lock

Bump keys are primitive tools used by locksmiths (and HAXoRZ) to knock open simple locks. Until now, many locks were secure simply because they were too complex to be bumped and, as a result, you had a bit of security by obscurity. That’s all changing.

Created by Jos Weyers and Christian Holler, these keys are designed to knock or bump the pins in a standard lock into place after a few sharp raps with a hammer. The pair discovered how to 3D print a piece of plastic that will fit into the keyhole based on a photo of the hole itself. A few carefully cut notches in the plastic and you’ve got a usable bump key.

The video below shows how it works – and how simple it is to use.

The pair don’t want us to break into secure military installations with their tool. Instead, they want to show how primitive most locks really are and how it’s becoming easier and easier to foil physical security systems. If anyone with a 3D printer and a camera can make a key, why have locks?

via Wired

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