Sunday, August 3, 2014

CrunchWeek: Andrew Mason’s New App, Diversity In Tech, And Twitter’s Big Quarter

Return Of Andrew Mason, EBay Diversity Report and Twitter Earnings

It’s a warm, relaxed Friday, making it the perfect moment for an episode of CrunchWeek. This week Ryan Lawler, Cat Zakrzewski, and myself sat to discuss the biggest news from the week.

What happened? Former Groupon CEO Andrew Mason’s new app touched down, an interesting diversity report from eBay sat amidst a cadre of predecessors, and Twitter’s massive recent quarterly report drove the company’s shares higher.

As a small aside, Cat is our summer intern here in San Francisco, and I put her on the spot at the end of the video. I’m not that nice, it would seem. Now, watch the clip, and then we’ll see you at the August Capital party. Till next time!

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