Thursday, July 31, 2014

Beats Music Mobile App Gets Recommendation Tweaking, Verified Profiles And More

Beats Music has updated its iOS, Android and Windows Phone applications with a few new features, including a way to tune the Beats recommendation engine manually for better suggestions, a new history view for The Sentence, the Songza-like Madlibs playback engine, and Verified Badges, which add a checkmark to celebrity profiles so you know they’re the real deal.

The Beats Music app also has some player improvements that deliver better playback and general performance, as is often the case with software updates.

This is the first significant update to the music app following the announcement that Apple would be acquiring the Beats Music brand along with Beats Electronics. The changes seem to address feedback provided by users and make available some functionality that reviewers thought was potentially missing.

The app has also received the same updates across all mobile platforms, as mentioned, and not just on iOS. While the company isn’t yet officially owned by Apple and therefore probably not on any Apple product roadmap, this is potentially a promising sign for those on non-Apple hardware who are users of the service and hope to see their software updated in time with the iOS release.

Via 9to5Mac.

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